"It sort of makes you stop and think doesn't it"
Recently I came across an article written by Robert Lupton entitled "Asking the Right Questions About Serving". I highly recommend it to anyone considering local or global ministry initiatives. Essentially it addresses and informs the "whys and hows" of our Christian service.
Should the principles within the article interest you, might I also suggest that you read the book "When Helping Hurts" by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. I'm using the aforementioned text in an elective for our church beginning July 22nd, great book concerning gospel centered social engagement.
Below are some of the article's "take aways" :
Should the principles within the article interest you, might I also suggest that you read the book "When Helping Hurts" by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. I'm using the aforementioned text in an elective for our church beginning July 22nd, great book concerning gospel centered social engagement.
Below are some of the article's "take aways" :
A few suggestions to avoid mission toxicity. Mission projects can be genuinely redemptive. The best ones are joint ventures with mature, indigenous ministries that understand both the culture and healthy cross-cultural partnering. A few reality-tested principles provide a “code of conduct” to guide invited volunteer guests toward sensitive, mutually transforming relationships:
• Never do for others what they can do for themselves (teach a man to fish).
• Limit one-way giving to emergencies (most needs are chronic, not crisis).
• Employment, lending, investing are best (use grants sparingly as incentives).
• Subordinate self-interests to the interests of the poor (is this for our good or theirs?).
• Listen to what is not being said (many needs are not immediately voiced).
• Above all, do no harm.
Grace and Peace