Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Evening Prayer

…and when Jaden and Judah get big, let them fight the bad guys… Amen

As long as I’ve been praying with the big boys this request has been a constant. I desire for them to be men of keen biblical discernment, willing to openly address those who distort God’s truth, justice, and grace. I desire for them to become men who, from either cathedral or corporate ladder, clearly detect the Spirit and move in His power. I desire that God fashion them into men willing to speak when others are silent, willing to engage when others are distracted - that they be able to detect the paths of righteousness and courageously walk in their freedom. In preschool speak, that they “fight the bad guys”.

Last night, Judah finally asked the question...

Daddy, who are the bad guys?

With a dry smile and grateful heart…

Bad guys are those who teach and say bad things about God. They are daddies who don’t listen and obey God. Daddies who think they are better than everyone else and who think they are always right. They are mean to the mommies and their boys. Bad guys are people who steal food from the hungry and don’t share their stuff.

The prolonged silence was finally broken…

Daddy, you better get me my little wooden sword.

One step down a very long, winding path – I agree. But a very important step indeed.

Father, allow the seeds of courage to be sown upon hungry soil and by Your grace let us meet this task, molding them into men of undeniable faith and contagious character.

Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

1 comment:

  1. a very familiar conversation and prayer in our household, too. praying for you all today...
