Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Imago Dei

You simply must watch this. Forget reading the story, go right for the video - it might be one of the more heartwarming stories I've heard in some time...


While there are a host of biblical parallels that could be drawn from this story, I leave you one: with the prophet Samuel, let us be slow to judge on outward appearance. Our plastic society often misses the many gems among us.

May we be quick to learn and slow to speak, God Bless.


  1. we saw this. i wanted to cry, but i held it together. what a set of pipes!

  2. I also watched a video of an earlier contestant that had the same unassuming look but huge talent within and one of the comments said it all:

    "WOW! Paul Pott's has an amazing voice that gave me a lump in my throat and goosebumps!

    Yet, despite that, the anxiety on his face while he sang was sad to see. We do that to each other.

    I'm thrilled he got the courage to showcase his talent on live tv. It was wonderful to see him beaming at the end. We're all the richer for it!

    Let's be nicer to each other. Who knows who else we're depriving ourselves of!"
