The ball was clearly within reach.
Several weeks ago I began to implement a lifestyle change; regular exercise, doctor’s orders. Everything was going fantastic until my type ‘A’ general practitioner realized a reoccurring trend, I’m a chronic dabbler. It’s escapes official diagnosis but I’ve got some form of ADD when it comes to exercise. I loathe repetition. Treadmills, stair steppers, elliptical machines, jogging - each were met with resistance. Through it all I’ve discovered that basketball remains the one form of physical activity that I care to regularly engage.
One quick maneuver and my YMCA basketball team would retain possession.
Yes, we joined the Y. Regularly throughout the week I wake up at 4:30 and I’m on the court before sunrise. Getting there hasn’t been the problem. My main issue has been realizing that everything has a season, mine has passed. There are certain things that I used to do instinctively that I just can’t do anymore. I see an angle unfold or a play develop but my body is in rebellion. My mind demands a swift cut to the basket, my body responds with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Inglorious dive for the ball…
Adding insult to injury for some reason the Y refuses to issue normal sized bath towels. I never imagined them providing plush microfiber XL handouts but can we go for something a little more mainstream than size 30 towels? What to do, what to do.
the unmistakable sound of knees dragging hardwood.
Worse still, I noticed most of the men could fit the hand towel around their waist. At 17 I could’ve joined them, not so at 34. Maybe two tied together at the corners would’ve done it. Anyway, what’s the chance no one notices I bring “husky” towels from home?
Knees raw, helplessly watching as the ball rolls out of bounds…
Typically I arrive to a quiet house but this particular morning Jaden happened to be awake and waiting in the kitchen. What happened to your knees? Well, Daddy jumped on the ground trying to get a basketball. With more exclamation than grammar supplies and with the bed manner of a haggard nurse, Whhhaaaat did you do that for? Not a good idea.
Big, sweaty mess sprawled out on isle 5!
Several weeks ago I began to implement a lifestyle change; regular exercise, doctor’s orders. Everything was going fantastic until my type ‘A’ general practitioner realized a reoccurring trend, I’m a chronic dabbler. It’s escapes official diagnosis but I’ve got some form of ADD when it comes to exercise. I loathe repetition. Treadmills, stair steppers, elliptical machines, jogging - each were met with resistance. Through it all I’ve discovered that basketball remains the one form of physical activity that I care to regularly engage.
One quick maneuver and my YMCA basketball team would retain possession.
Yes, we joined the Y. Regularly throughout the week I wake up at 4:30 and I’m on the court before sunrise. Getting there hasn’t been the problem. My main issue has been realizing that everything has a season, mine has passed. There are certain things that I used to do instinctively that I just can’t do anymore. I see an angle unfold or a play develop but my body is in rebellion. My mind demands a swift cut to the basket, my body responds with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Inglorious dive for the ball…
Adding insult to injury for some reason the Y refuses to issue normal sized bath towels. I never imagined them providing plush microfiber XL handouts but can we go for something a little more mainstream than size 30 towels? What to do, what to do.
the unmistakable sound of knees dragging hardwood.
Worse still, I noticed most of the men could fit the hand towel around their waist. At 17 I could’ve joined them, not so at 34. Maybe two tied together at the corners would’ve done it. Anyway, what’s the chance no one notices I bring “husky” towels from home?
Knees raw, helplessly watching as the ball rolls out of bounds…
Typically I arrive to a quiet house but this particular morning Jaden happened to be awake and waiting in the kitchen. What happened to your knees? Well, Daddy jumped on the ground trying to get a basketball. With more exclamation than grammar supplies and with the bed manner of a haggard nurse, Whhhaaaat did you do that for? Not a good idea.
Big, sweaty mess sprawled out on isle 5!
From the mouth of babes...
THANKS!!! This is hilarious. I needed a laugh. Sounds like Jaden has a great sense of humor. Hang in there. You'll limber up. Remember JC practicing with the ball teams in the mornings? He's still going strong with his workouts, but all his old buddies have crapped out with the bball. On to something new and exciting. Like ellipticals.