"Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them."
Those are the words of Psalm 139:16 from the written word, here is Psalm 139:16 caught on tape. What an unbelievable video!
This month, September the 12th, was the one year anniversary of Josiah's accident. Empirically speaking, nothing should have worked out the way it has. As in the video, God guided the exact trajectory of everything that happened that morning. Amen!
On occasion, I do wake up with cold sweats. Distant sirens can make me anxious. I catch myself trying to be more protective. Each of these are distinct reminders of my finality and impotence. We exist solely because of His purposes. Whether the trajectory of a television or a car - He governs everything by his gracious hand. Each time my anxiety is stirred, each time my slumber is broken - each time I'm reminded of my limits, there is also the steady truth that each day is lived under His sovereign grace.
I saw the video and got to shoutin' - no matter, this is certainly the day He has made, it is in His book, so let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Grace and Peace
Thanks for the incredible reminder Jason. Love you all.
ReplyDeleteGrace and Peace,