Police said two 44-year-olds had climbed into a dumpster to be alone just after 6 p.m. Saturday when two men interrupted them and demanded their belongings. Officers said the man and woman were engaged in "an intimate moment" when they were robbed of their shoes, jewelry and the man's wallet.
Police said one of the robbers was a 64-year-old man who egged his 59-year-old companion on during the robbery.
Yes, sadly, you just read correctly, "A tender moment in a trash bin went all wrong..." Really? I'm having a hard time determining which is more unbelievable:
1. "Soooo, how about you and me hop in the trash bin?" With four boys quiet spaces and moments are difficult to create, but come on!
2. With a straight face, having the audacity to fill out a police report. "Yes officer, a trash bin" You know the boys in blue had a wonderful time with this one.
Some instances escape commentary, I'm fairly certain this classifies.
For the entire story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32863398/ns/us_news-weird_news/?GT1=43001
Two blog posts in one day?! And both with just the right amount of humor and sarcasm. Dude, you're on a roll.